National Mortgage Warranty guarantees you that your mortgage loan is affordable according to the standards of N.I.B.U.D. (Dutch Institute for Budget Information). If you have any problems to pay your monthly mortgage loan costs as a result of disability, unemployment, divorce or death of your partner, Stichting Waarborgfonds Eigen Woningen (Home Ownerschip Warranty Fund) can take over payments for a while – under certain conditions -.
If a residual debt arises with a N.H.G. covered mortgage the debt can sometimes be cancelled. The W.E.W. (Waarborgfonds Eigen Woningen) will assess – case based, individually – and decide about if and how a debt can be (partial) cancelled.

For the securities mentioned above you will pay a one off fee of 0,6% of the loan amount. The fee is subject to tax relief if you are taxed for your income in The Netherlands. N.H.G. labeled loans have a lower interest rate compared to non NHG labeled loans. Hence you will earn back the 0,6% one off payment in a reasonable time slot (after that you will benefit from the lower interest rate).
Limitations of a loan under N.H.G. conditions are the maximum cost level of 435.000 EUR (2024) and max 461.100 EUR (2024) including energy saving measures.
For existing N.H.G. loans; if you want to increase your N.H.G. mortgage loan or if you want to switch to another bank or other lender you can often do so with N.H.G. coverage. However there are some limitations. Call or mail us so we can help you with your questions !