
Peter is very professional. I was recommended his services by a colleague, I am very happy for his services. His expertise in expatriate issues saved me a lot of money, now I have a very good mortgage. His delivery of services was timely and accurate. I would recommend him !

Ms Mutangatiro Safari
International Criminal Court

Peter is an excellent financial advisor. When we decided to go ahead with buying a house we got in touch with Peter. He explained things we were confused about so that it became clear, he corrected us our misconceptions and was able to teach us about the things which we were completely unaware of. With regards to all matters pertaining financial advice he guided us in the way we were able to make the right decisions and with regards to the non-financial tasks he helped us connect with the right people in the industry. He was always available on call or by mail. He is considerate and extremely flexible. I would definitely advice others who are looking for mortage advisors to atleast have an initial discussion with Peter

Prinu Dickson

First thing about Peter is that he is very passionate for his work. He really tries to understand what are the requirements and then suggests us in a manner which is really very easy to understand. He is always available over phone & e-mail whenever required. He is always ready to clear our doubts. Really very nice experience working with Peter. I will highly recommend Peter as a Mortgage Advisor for other clients.

M.K. Bokde

Peter helped me a lot on understanding the details of a mortgage, differences between a personal mortgage and an investment mortgage, and also provided me great tips so that I can protect myself under the law in an agreement.


Peter helped us find the right mortgage option for us. He was all the time helpful, supportive, flexible and willing to provide advise about the type of mortgage we need. He went the extra mile a few times to make sure that we received proper advice and helped us resolve difficult situations we faced during our buying process, even supporting us to deal with non mortgage related topics. We definitively recommend Peter to other expats that need mortgage advise.

Salvador and Fabiola

Peter is really patient and clear with what needs to be done. The application went really smooth.


Trustworthy, professional, highly reliable, attentive, these are definitely the words I would use to describe Peter’s work. Knowing that I am a newbie in buying a property in The Netherlands, Peter definitely went the extra mile to help me understand my rights and fixed a lot of issues during the whole buying process. I would say for sure, without his expertise, the whole mortgage application and buying process wouldn’t have gone so smoothly. Not only that, he has also tailored his service to my specific circumstances. I would highly recommend his service for not just as a mortgage advisor, but also any other financial inquiries, and definitely get him involved before starting any purchase decisions, so that he can give his insights on making the right decisions.

Eunice Ma

Vanwege de lage rentestand ben ik gaan onderzoeken of ik mijn hypotheek kon wijzigen naar een goedkopere variant. Via via ben ik in contact gekomen met de adviseur van Expats Financial Solutions. De adviseur heeft mij in het hele traject bijgestaan en geadviseerd. Met name op het vlak waar snel aan voorbij wordt gegaan, de zogeheten kleine lettertjes, heeft hij mij regelmatig erop gewezen hier de tijd voor te nemen. In de gevallen waar mijn kennis van de materie tekort schoot, heeft hij zorgvuldig de zaken uitgelegd en alle varianten besproken die mogelijk waren. Daarnaast heeft hij terdege gewezen op de risico’s die de mogelijke varianten met zich mee zouden kunnen brengen. Concluderend kan ik stellen dat de adviseur mij op een zeer kundige wijze heeft geadviseerd met uiteindelijk een zeer gunstige hypotheekovereenkomst als resultaat.

Henk Schilder
ALK Abello

De adviseur is uitermate kundig, snel en accuraat in zijn financiële adviezen. Hij is helder en realistisch in de gesprekken die wij met hem hebben gevoerd. Verder heeft hij echt met ons meegedacht en stelde opties voor waaraan wij zelf niet hadden gedacht. Hij blijft altijd kritisch en dat wekt vertrouwen.

Mr. M.J. Boon
Min. van Justitie

Peter Schwippert is an excellent advisor for all things related to finance. In our case he advised on various topics related to the purchase of our new home. Peter did not limit himself to strictly advising on mortgage related issues but went the extra mile to answer all our questions related to finances and insurance. Peter was always prepared to come for a visit, even if it only involved signing a document in person. Top service from a very friendly, knowledgeable and professional advisor. I would 100% recommend anyone to rely on Peter and expats financial solutions to advise on the financial aspects of purchasing a property in the Netherlands.

Mr. Martens & Ms. Lee

Received an excellent service from Peter where in almost all the topics he went beyond to support me to go through the whole process. This eventually resulted in me being successful in purchasing my new home in Netherlands although the processes was a complete alien to me. Never expected such a service from someone whom I found via browsing the net :). Strongly recommended service !

Nathan Bala
T Systems

Hypotheek overgesloten, goed, snel en correct geregeld en plezierig om te weten dat ik de komende 20 jaar met een bijzonder scherp tarief zit en hierna mijn lening geheel is afgelost. Peter heeft een prettige persoonlijke manier van werken. Hij weet het duidelijk te brengen, laat zien welke opties er zijn en laat je de keus zonder te ongewenst te sturen. Plezierige ervaring! Mortgage changed. Good, quick and correct to describe the process. Nice and comforting to know that for the next 20 years I have a good rate and after this period my mortgage will be paid for in full. Peter has a nice personal way of working. He delivers the information and possibilities clearly and leave you to choose the option which suits you best without pushing in a certain direction. Overall pleasant experience!

Martijn Geelen
Regional SHEQ Manager Africa

I returned to The Netherlands recently in order to stay and build up a future here. Hence, I also looked for a house and a mortgage in line with my personal goals and objectives. The advisor helped me in an honest and transparant way and informed me correctly about all legal and fiscal issues. He also organised the document gathering process in a smooth and quick manner. A good sparring partner to discuss your mortgage loan issues with.

Mr. S.S. Georgiev

We had not reviewed our mortgage conditions for a few years and asked ourselves if the low interest rate could not offer us benefits. I came into contact with the advisor of Expats Financial Solutions, who analysed our situation and made a proposal that offered us the possibility to redeem in an accelerated way, while still maintaining overall reasonable cost. The advisor presented several options in a clear and transparant way and offered sound practical advice. We recommend him as a great sparring partner for your mortgage issues.

Fam. A. Haghshenow
Owner G.E.T.C. B.V.

He is very professional. The time for appointments is flexibel since I am working dure day times so we can arrange appointments either after work or during weekend.

Stanley Tang
PPG Industries

Zeer prettig gesprek, er diende een aantal zaken aangepast te worden in de bestaande hypotheek. De adviseur luistert erg goed naar de wens van de klant en draagt een hele goede oplossing aan die past binnen de wens maar ook verantwoord is.

Infra expert

The advisor helped me complete my mortgage application and made sure i became a happy owner of a home in the Hague 😊. They took full responsibility for the process and guided me through the challenges and steps to ensure a smooth process. I appreciated their patience and empathy, and flexibility in adjusting to my working hours to inform me on the progress and walk me through the documents. I am quite impressed with their dedication to their clients and fairness in advice.

Emi S.

Weet waar ie het over heeft heel correct altijd scherp

Dhr. A.J.H. Schellaars & Mw. N. Lecomte
Min. van Defensie

Peter is a great advisor. He has provided all the necessary information and helped with explanations. Also made himself available even in case of short notice / urgency. Highly recommended.

Anna K.

Last august we inherited an apartment. We had the opportunity to rent out the apartment or to sell it and pay off the mortgage on our own home. The advisor informed us about the financial consequences of both options thus anabling us to make a well thought out and deliberate choice. We thank him for his assessment that helped to identify the best options in a complex situation. We see the advisor as an experienced sparring partner for your financial matters in the mortgage and related matters and highly recommend working with him!

Viktoria Evastafieva & Willem Baksteen
Kite Pharma

Als zelfstandig ondernemer hou ik me graag bezig met mijn eigen core business ofwel bedrijfsactiviteiten. Toen ik een eigen woning wilde aankopen en financieren, wilde ik zeker weten dat de financiering goed, professioneel en snel opgepakt zou worden. Ondanks een krap tijdsschema heeft de adviseur de financiering op goede en gedegen wijze geregeld. Tevens heeft hij mij als “leek” op dit gebied steeds stap voor stap de werkwijze en het proces uitgelegd. Helder en transparant dus.

Johan van der Meer
Owner “Stijl en Traditie” IN OMNIA PARATA UItvaartzorg

De adviseur is een gedreven adviseur die zijn klanten graag gedegen en volledig informeert. Is goed in staat en bereid om complexe materie op heldere wijze uit te leggen aan mensen die hier niet dagelijks mee bezig zijn. Een goede sparring partner die met begrip, geduld en toewijding de belangen van zijn klanten behartigt.

DORC Dutch Ophthalmic Research Center International BV

Kennis van zaken en een prettige man om zaken mee te doen. Snelle reacties en duidelijkheid. Aanrader!

Vanity en Jeff

Peter assessed a mortgage loan application as a second opinion for my sister and did a thorough job, properly executed. He is very capable to transform complex matters into simple brackets of information, easy to understand and a well motivated person to help people with their mortgage loan questions. For aspirant house buyers who want to level with an experienced advisor I surely would recommend Peter as a sparring partner.

Hamed Khazen
Owner “De Pers”

Peter is an experienced financial advisor and arranges everything really well for me. It’s nice to have an experienced and trusted financial advisor by my side, as an international buying property in the Netherlands.

Yi Zhang

Peter was patient and thoroughly explained a complete novice about the ins and outs of getting a mortgage, he explained the possibilities and connected me with a makelaar and was there every step of the way to make my first home purchase possible. All in all if you are ever in doubt Peter will give you some answers or redirect you to the ones who will have them. Super happy with his services and definitely recommend him to anyone wanting some advice.

Maura Hill Quiroz
Senior Game Developer

Peter was een geweldig financieel adviseur. Wij zijn erg blij met zijn harde werk, want hij was altijd realistisch, nuchter en heel duidelijk met onze financiële situatie. Dankzij hem is het hele proces ze soepel en goed verlopen.

Makiri en Peter

Meer financiële ruimte middels meerwaarde van onze woning. Peter heeft ons wensenpakket tegen het licht gehouden en alternatieven aangedragen. Professioneel, transparant, betrouwbaar en meedenkend zijn voor ons de kwaliteiten van Peter. Dit alles voor een vooraf afgesproken honorarium dat niet is overschreden. Wij zijn zeer tevreden over zijn werkzaamheden, het resultaat en onze communicatie.

Fam. Hoffman

I have full trust in Peter’s advisory qualities and I feel confident that a good and suitable mortgage loan will be arranged. It is a pleasure to work with Peter, he is very professional and responsive, able to clarify all doubts and questions, as well as to offer great support on a personal level.

Global Sales Service Process

Peter was very professional, held quite a long introductory meeting where he asked relevant questions and answered mine. Beside the help that he promised upfront Peter also provided extra assistance by making additional calculations for a different scenario. I recommend.


Throughout the process Peter was professional. Applying for a mortgage is always daunting. There are so many rules, paperwork to file and this was particularly difficult because I am in the Netherlands and almost everything was in Dutch. I was happy that I found an adviser who could advise in English, was very thorough and patient.

International Criminal Court

Peter heeft ons geholpen met een financiering voor een auto, waarbij de lening van de vorige auto ingelost moest worden. Hierbij heeft Peter ons op de hoogte gehouden van de voortgang en snel geschakeld tussen de partijen. Peter is deskundig en weet waar hij het over heeft. In de toekomst zal ik Peter wederom raadplegen als dat nodig is.

Register Accountant

Was een leerzaam moment. Goed gesprek. Voldoende geïnformeerd.

M. Dastan

Good communication, helpful tips, timely response, reliable source of information.


Not an easy ride this time due to some problems with the foundation of the house but Peter defended our interests in a very good and professional way. Good to have us guided by him in this process!”

S.S. Georgiev

Peter and I have started our communication in the beginning of 2022, after a couple of months we started to look for purchasing a house. During this period Peter communicated with estate agencies to understand market prices and provided us several calculations to understand financial profile. He is an active and well communicated Hypotheek Advisor and I am happy for his services. I would suggest him to other people.

Ozgur OzdemirAb Mauri

Peter was always accesible and helpful during the mortgage process that we have been through. He supports us for getting the best loan, life insurance and also provided the required recommendations based on his experience.


Siemens N.V.

Peter provided us very great advice and secured us a mortgage loan in verly little time. The process from start to finish was extremely clear and smooth, which made the entire experience of buying our first home much more enjoyable and stress-free. We highly recommend Peter to any expats looking for clear guidance and great explanations of the Dutch mortgage and house buying in systems

James and Fiona

Peter has provided me with valuable advice/ service on several occasions. He is extremely knowledgeable and experienced in this area. On top of this he is very well connected and was able to use his network to find out some very particular questions I had. He also introduced me to a very useful contact in regards to some further financial matters I wanted to discuss. His responses are always prompt, clear and comprehensive. As an expat living here with limited knowledge of the Dutch systems Peter has been really good to have on board. I cannot recommend him highly enough!


Peter Schwippert is a very intelligent, kind and understanding person.
He has a great mind on financials and is also always prepared with the relevant information, documentation, scenarios and responses for the client. I strongly believe his relevant experience over the years has made him one of the best in the industry. He works extra and also during odd hours to ensure the client is satisficed and is properly informed. He is the person I would recommend to anyone who needs a mortgage adviser and/or financial planner.
I am honestly glad that I worked with him.


International Criminal Court

When we hired Peter little did we know how much of a great help he would be to us! Purchasing an apartment/house in The Netherlands as an expat is a very difficult and complicated process but thanks to Peter and his professional approach, we did not had any problem along the way! I would say the best quality of Peter is his patience when explaining tons of procedure and ALWAYS being available for any help through the process.

When thinking of hiring someone for this job, we def recommend Peter because you will get your moneys worth plus you know you will be in good hands because he is very straighforward and cares about you, as a client.It is very clear he has a lot of experience and that makes it easy to trust when making certain decisions. What I appriciated the most is the constant communication and making sure we are on the same page!

Overall, our experience with Peter and his services deserve a 10/10 recommendation and we are so thankful for that !

Mustafa / Sabina
Siemens N.V.

Peter was always very direct and realistic with us. He was always there whenever we had a question. He made sure that we always understood each step, made us aware of the risks. He was/is really helpful with the process of buying our first house in the Netherlands. We are very thankful to him.

Sinan & Ilgin

Siemens Nederland N.V.

It was a pleasure to have Peter as my financial advisor. My introduction to Peter was somewhat unconventional, as I reached out to him after winning my bidding. Despite this atypical approach, he accepted to represent me with grace. Peter’s professionalism and commitment were evident from the start. Throughout the entire process, Peter demonstrated an impressive level of expertise, offering detailed explanations at every stage. His communication was impeccable. I greatly appreciated his dedication to finding the best solutions for his clients.

Peter’s strict approach, especially regarding personal assets, may feel intense, but I find it particularly valuable. His insistence on clear expectations and thorough preparation for potential challenges might create a sense of pressure, but it undoubtedly ensures a realistic understanding of the situation.

I highly recommend Peter to anyone seeking a responsible, reliable, and top-notch financial advisor. His dedication to transparency and client understanding sets him apart in delivering exceptional service. I’m grateful for his positive impact on my financial journey, and I’m confident he will continue to excel for others.

Mandy Guan / Spencer Stuart International

Peter is in onze huizenjacht heel belangrijk geweest met zijn kennis en advies over wat te doen m.b.t. de contractvoorwaarden, mogelijkheden qua hypotheek. wat alles inhoudt en waar we op moeten letten.
Uitstekende hulp en advies.


Heel fijn gesprek, goed geholpen. Mooi overzicht gemaakt zodat ik weet waar ik aan toe ben.


From start to finish, Peter went above and beyond to ensure that we not only understood every step of the bidding and mortgage process but also felt confident and secure in our decisions.

He answered all of our questions with patience and clarity. His professionalism and attention to detail were evident throughout the entire process, making what can often be a daunting experience remarkably smooth and stress-free. Moreover, Peter demonstrated a genuine commitment to finding the best possible solution tailored to our needs and financial situation.

His dedication to securing favorable terms and rates was truly remarkable and resulted in a good outcome. Peter also possesses excellent communication skills and a friendly demeanor, making interactions pleasant and enjoyable. His promptness in responding to inquiries and proactive approach to keeping us updated further solidified our confidence in his abilities.

Overall, we wholeheartedly recommend Peter to anyone in need of mortgage advice or assistance. His expertise, professionalism, and personalized approach make him a standout in his field. Thank you, Peter!


Siemens Nederland N.V.

I am using the Services from Peter 2nd time and as 1st time the working experience is very good indeed I will say better than the 1st time.
Peter is very polite & knowledgeable person. He is always ready to clear your doubts and provide you the solutions at any time. Always available for your help.
I will surely provide his reference to my friends & colleagues.

Mukesh Bokde / RABO

Peter is very helpful in explaining all details I need to know. He also helped me in finding a trusted makelaar in Arnhem.

William / Unilever

Goed en gedegen advies. Blij met de nieuwe woning !

Mustafa Dasta / Oranje Groenvoorziening B.V.

We all know how stressful hunting/buying a home can be. With Peter, he doesn’t just provide sound advice, but he also acts as a friend by anticipating potential obstacle to make the administrative process as pleasant as possible.
Test and talk to him and you will see the difference!

Dao Nguyen / Sky Team